Corporate responsibility around the issue of carbon management is a hot topic – and regulation around energy usages seems to be changing all the time. In December 2014 we saw the introduction of ESOS (The Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme). There are new legal requirements coming online all the time – and penalties for not meeting requirements can be harsh.
But new legislation isn’t always clear – and keeping abreast of all the changes can take time. Why not delegate the details to us – it’s what we do best. You can relax and get on with running your business.
What you can expect
All our customers can take advantage of our carbon management advice and services. We will:
Keep you informed of all regulatory changes and how they affect you as a commercial energy user.
Provide accurate information for CRC reporting (Carbon Reduction Commitment) and ESOS.
Carry out all online registrations on your behalf and ensure that you are compliant with all the regulatory schemes.
Provide all the usage information you need to support energy-saving surveys.
Advanced Meter Rollout
In addition to the national AMR roll out program, many customers require AMR to be installed sooner on Non-Half-Hourly (NHH) and gas meters. The information we can provide is invaluable to keeping energy usage down – and costs lower. This data allows customers to view the time of day energy is used, seasonal trends and to compare the usage of one site against another. In turn this knowledge will allow you to work to become more energy-efficient – and lower utility bills in the long-term.