PH Energy Services works on behalf of end users and is independent of any suppliers. We take our work very seriously and always endeavour to provide the best and personal service possible.
If however a customer is not happy with the service we have provided the below which outlines our complaints procedure. We are committed to continuously improve our service and will therefore take any feedback and complaints very seriously.
We would request that the customer put the complaint in writing by letter or email, but they may telephone to discuss the issue in addition to any written correspondence. In the first instance please contact Katie Waistell on 07825 580015 and or
We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within 2 working days. We will then respond with a proposed resolution and an explanation as to how we are going to fix the problem going forward within 5 working days from the date the complaint was raised.
Our resolution will include an apology and depending on the seriousness of the complaint; a gesture of goodwill and or compensation.
If our complaint procedure does not resolve the matter within eight weeks of being brought to our attention the customer will be directed to the Ombudsman Service for their (Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) services. For information on the services of the ombudsmen please use this link. Our Process | Ombudsman Services (
The services of the Ombudsman is impartial and free of charge and totally impartial. They can be contacted at:
Post: Ombudsman Services: Energy, P.O. Box 966, Warrington, WA4 9DF
Phone: 0330 440 1624
At PH Energy Services we will keep a record of your complaint the relevant date and outcomes.